Hakim El Khiar has been dealing with filtration systems for drinking water since 1996. It assembles various filters to solve various problems related to drinking water. It deals with the development, production of prototypes and industrialization of filtration systems. He developed systems for preparing drinking water in emergency situations. He specialized in the recycling of waste water from various industrial applications. His innovations have also been awarded several times by the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce:
- https://manager.finance.si/8943862/Okoljske-nagrade
- https://oe.finance.si/8940803/Iskrina-naprava-ki-brez-kemikalij-mocno-onesnazeno-vodo-naredi-pitno
- https://oe.finance.si/8954564/Za-ciscenje-plovil-ne-bodo-vec-potrebovali-pitne-vode;
- https://www.finance.si/8980740/Vas-zanima-koliko-bi-lahko-hotel-s-50-sobami-prihranil-z-reciklazo-vode
- https://agrobiznis.finance.si/8976980/Tako-so-v-mlekarni-Planika-iz-Kobarida-resili-tezave-z-odpadno-sirotko
- https://agrobiznis.finance.si/8984227/Spoznajte-zmagovalce-natecaja-Agrobiznis-hi-tech;
- https://oe.finance.si/9005122/To-so-naj-okoljsko-poslovni-dosezki-slovenskega-gospodarstva
- https://www.gzs.si/oz_za_severno_primorsko/Novice/ArticleID/83473/nagrade-za-najbolse-inovacije-podelili-tudi-severnoprimorskim-inovatorjem
- Recycling Waste Water from the Dairy Industry
- Microplastic Detection System (MDS)
He is also the co-author of several papers and a book on the removal of microplastics with membrane technology:
- Mobile system for drinking water preparation. Final report at the end of the project Technology for Security and Peace. [COBISS.SI-ID - 3681486].
- De Falco, F., Di Pace, E., Avella, M., Gentile, G., Errico, ME, Krzan, A., El Khiar, H., Zupan, M. Cocca, M. (2021). Development and Performance Evaluation of a Filtration System for Washing Machines to Reduce Microfiber Release in Wastewater. Water Air Soil Pollut (2021) 232: 406. Available at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11270-021-05342-6
- Roš, M., Rihter Pikl, J., El Khiar, H. and Uranjek, N. (2021). Microplastics removal and wastewater recycling with membranes & ozone technology. Generis Publishing, co. 2021. ISBN - 978-1-63902-821-4. [COBISS.SI-ID - 91033603].
- Volgare, M., Avolio, R., Castaldo, R., Errico, ME, El Khiar, H., Gentile, G., Sinjur, A., Susnik, D., Znidarsic, A., Cocca, M. ( 2022). Microfiber Contamination in Drinking Water: Detection and Mitigation Using a Filtering Device. Special Issue "Microplastics in Marine Environment". PDF Version: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-8929/1/3/24/pdf
Some of its products are also INTERNATIONALLY PATENTED:
- Uninterrupted water filtering system with automatic filter cleansing - TWE
- Device for an uninterrupted water filtration process with an automatic filter
- Transportable device for gravity filtering water
- Device and method for filtering water
- Transportable device for purifying water in multiple stages
- Device for filtering water
He currently collaborates with the Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (National Research Council of Italy), the National Institute of Chemistry, the University of Maribor, the non-profit organization Venice Lagoon Plastic Free... He also collaborated with The Ministry of Defense, various municipalities, the United Nations, NATO, Iskra, PlanetCare, Planika Kobarid Dairy, Speed Queen Germany and many others.
Hyper Filter is a trademark of the company Lea Grlj s.p..
Tax number: SI 15574865 Registry number: 9166874
Contact: info@nattura.si